Classification | Items | Quantity | Note |
SYSTEM | E5515C | 1 | RF TEST |
Spectrum analyzer | HP8595E | 3 | Spectrum Analyzer |
OSILLOSCOPE | TDS3032 | 3 | Voltage, current measurement |
SYSTEM | HP8924C | 5 | RF TEST |
Power supply | 66311B | 10 | Power supply |
Shield box | TEM CELL | 3 | Shielding device |
Micro Dry | E-MICRO | 1 | Part Dehumidifier |
Multi Download | Nexus | 6 | Device upgrade |
• Excluding heat guns, lids and tools other than electric drivers
• Workstations and grounding facilities completed
• Complete construction of air conditioning system in work place (remove lead smoke in real time)